We, the aqua magicians!

We, the aqua magicians! Remember the week before last I ranted about the deadly humidity and many of you totally understood what I was complaining about? Perhaps our collective prayers moved the powers that be and the next day as we were driving up to Delhi for a couple of days to do some long-pending work, it started to rain on the way. It rained and rained in what maybe is the proverbial cats and dogs fashion, so much so that the visibility got very poor and I could enjoy neither a nap nor my knitting. My attention was on the road ahead trying to see what the driver could ram into View through the windshield even in that very little traffic on the expressway. I was nearly as scared as I generally am while going in the fog when I cannot see beyond a metre on the road. Yet when the friends we met said, “You brought rain and respite from the heat and humidity,” I beamed and puffed up with misplaced pride as if ...