Men’s day indeed!

Men’s day indeed! You know what date it is today, don’t you? A few years ago, a young man challenged me about the importance of today, the 19th of November. Now it is the birthday of a darling friend and the wedding anniversary of another dear one, and I wish them tons of joy and happiness, is what I told him. No, in a haughty proof of his superior knowledge on topics general, he enlightened me that the day is observed as International Men’s Day (IMD) the world over. I thought it was a joke, and a very poor one at that. But what the heck? Turned out he was right. This men’s day thing has been observed since 1992 and here I thought that every day was men’s day since that genius Adam somehow convinced his partner to bite into an apple, the fruit which was the first one to make it into Bible, and create all this chaos. We shall talk about apples some other time. Right now, my only concern is – the present, i.e., today. It was obviously a man, Thomas Oaster, who had in 1992, ...