The Umbrella Story

The Umbrella Story Top Left: Shree 420 (1955) Top Right: Mary Poppins Bottom Left: Lamhe Middle: Kingsman Right: Singing in the Rain After intense cold for nearly a month, the weather was slowly warming up and people trapped indoors/under layers of woollens were looking forward to sun-kissed days before the weather turned to the other extreme, when nature brought a shock; - rains, hailstorms at some places, and strong winds. Most of the men in jackets, waterproof or otherwise, and women hunched in shawls, scurried for shelter or tried to protect himself/herself from the rain. I hardly saw an umbrella covering any head. After some time, I wondered- have umbrellas gone out of fashion? This brought me to the question of umbrella itself, and its importance. And will you believe it, USA observes today, the 10 th of February, as National Umbrella Day? Remember the times when you could get only black fabric umbrellas? In Dehradun where it would rain any time during the day, people ...