Circus Act: the Art of Multitasking!

Circus Act: the Art of Multitasking! Some years ago, when I quit my regular job to freelance, and be an at-home mom, I realized that completing all the chores and tasks on my daily list was taking a long time. It was looking for ways to maximise my productivity in the time available that I found the magic word ‘multi-tasking’. Enamoured by it I made conscious efforts to learn, practice and if not exactly perfect, at least take this skill to a workable level and add to my abilities. Multitasking simply put, is doing more than one task at a time to attain multiple goals. The word first used in 1965 to describe the capabilities of the IBM computer, meant running multiple sets of instructions (programs) on a computer at the same time. Slowly it started to be used for people too. Over the time it became an addiction with me. I made it a habit to do two to three, sometimes more tasks at a time. You could see me follow any random combination simultaneously- cook maybe on t...