Drama in your sleep

Drama in your sleep ‘Dream is not that which you see while sleeping, it is something that does not let you sleep,’ so said Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, a scientist and one of everyone’s favourite Presidents of India. By this, he meant dreams which motivate, spur you on, give you a purpose in life. That must apply to good, positive dreams. But have you ever had a bizarre or scary dream that drives you into an agonized search for information if what you saw had a meaning or was a premonition? Sant Tulsidas wrote jyon sapne sir kaate koyi, bin jaage na door dukh hoyi . (If somebody cuts off the head in a dream, the pain does not go away without waking up). That is sound logic, but Tulsidas was a saint who had reached great spiritual heights and probably had God on speed dial. Perhaps he did not give a bad dream much thought unlike us humans who ruin our next day and many days after that worrying over the reason we had that dream. Dreams can be like art films with one story, or Bollywo...