40 questions unasked, unanswered

40 questions unasked, unanswered Forty days i.e. 21+19 days of lockdown in two phases to prevent the spread of Coronavirus will be a lasting memory in our minds- generally of inconvenience and pain, sometimes encouraging or about a new life for some. The number 40 has great importance in several religions: Hinduism – Forty-lined Chaleesas are written in praise of various gods and goddesses. Sikhism – Chali mukte or 40 liberated ones were the 40 Sikhs who on December 29, 1705, laid down their lives fighting near Isharsar against the Mughals who were chasing Guru Gobind Singh. Judaism (and other Biblical religions) – · God forbade the Israelites from entering the Holy Land for 40 years to separate them from Moses and his brother. · Moses spent 40 days on Mount Sinai before he received the 10 commandments. · ...