Unpacking life at a new destination Last week I had talked of ‘people like us’ in transferable jobs who have to move to a different city every two to three years. I had recalled the activities included in the whole exercise of packing up before you leave a city. Some people had even identified with that. So the next step naturally is, what happens when you reach the new city? Even though you live out of suitcases, the few days in the transit accommodation/guest/rest house is the only time the lady of the house is at peace because the energy-draining household chores are not to be taken care of. Yet, a fresh to-do list is already growing in size somewhere at the back of your mind and very soon appears in a physical shape on paper or a doc file. The top priority on this generally is school/college admissions and looking for the house. If you are lucky, which most of us are not, the house is in a fairly tolerable condition, so when the kit arrives, you can start the oth...