General- Contact tracing

Chase the contact! The Covid-19 pandemic will be a painful chapter in the history of this planet. However, besides the other changes in our lives, it has made a noticeable contribution to our vocabulary and revised the meanings of how we understood some words so far. Pandemic (not epidemic!), social distancing, isolation, PPE, sanitiser, lockdown, unlock (Is that even a noun?) ki prakriya (the process of unlocking), oximeter, are some of the words and expressions which have crept into our daily language along with the name of the dreaded virus. One such expression which rings alarm bells is contact tracing . In February this year, before I realised that C-19 had made its presence felt in our country, I knew what contact as well as tracing was. Contact has always been the key to lifestyles, relationships and activities. I can hardly recall an activity in which contact in some form or the other is non-existent or that absolute isolation is the norm. To live a fulfilli...