Confusion has wings

Confusion has wings These past six weeks have brought for me several reasons for travelling within the country and armed with 15 kg + 5 kg, I have happily embarked on these trips. Still not brave enough to travel by bus or train in view of Covid, I have felt fortunate that the cities I had to travel to had direct flights from Lucknow. But every time I flew out of the city, the cells inside my cranial cavity went into a tizzy and I came back wondering, sometimes even worried, about the mental health of the world outside the brick and mortar safety I call home. This is not going to be another description of ‘travel during Corona times’, although Covid-19 has impacted our way of living so much that some concerns might just creep into my narrative naturally. So let me share my misgivings/thoughts with you in the hope that some intelligent mind will help me and my readers find the solutions. Domestic air travel looks like a whole new chapter of economics altogether. The air...