Food-UK vs US

While in the US ask for it like the Amreekanz do S everal times a day I am forced to test my memory in an attempt to recall any well-adjusted couples I know of ( forget the ads, they are selling dreams ) who have never ever expressed, not necessarily in words but even through a grimace or smirk, unhappiness/annoyance at having to live with each other during the time of ‘togetherness’ in self-imposed house arrest these days. Trust me, life in this cocoon is not romantic at all. Therefore, it is not only exchange with other family members that I am missing, it is also the feeling that if blood is indeed thicker than water, then why shouldn’t those with the same gene-pool as him (you know who) also have to tolerate him some times. Alas, this darned virus infected my plans and the flights were cancelled last year. This year too one airline cancelled the flight. A fat amount of dough once again moved from our account to that of another airline for fresh tickets and now my early ...