Kill these tiny blood-suckers!

Kill these tiny blood-suckers! Last week I said I had things on my mind other than kakdi and I believe what I am going to say would not be considered frivolous. In fact, if somebody has a solution, please share it, so that it brings some respite from the problem. Ever wondered why God or whoever is responsible for creation of this world, made so many species of creatures? Was His sole aim making life difficult for human beings? What is the purpose of such living beings on this planet, especially the ones which are the no-good kinds? I am talking about mosquitoes. I have no idea where they come from. They are everywhere any time of the day. These tiny insects land on your skin like fighter jets and within a few seconds, you feel a strong itch, sometimes a rash also comes up and you can see the few millimeter-long devil ballooning up with your blood. When they bite (it should be called a sting) they suck the blood and transfer their saliva to the victim. Some kinds suck in pathoge...