
Showing posts from February, 2023


Ramblings of a wandering mind Aren’t there times when there is a jumble of thoughts and ideas in the head and nothing is clear? Now, in my case, at least, that is not some serious matter of philosophy or psychology. It is the simple issue of having nothing concrete to talk about because there is a crowd of images flooding the mind and none seems important enough. My major ones relate to travelling from Mumbai to Ahmedabad by road, which did not take many hours as we drove past several towns, but raised several questions in my head, that even after spending several hours in the company of omniscient Googla baba, I could not find the answer to. I became aware that the impressions I have of places are pre-conceived notions of a frog in the well or are based on anecdotal evidence, both of which might not be true, after all. I have not lived in Mumbai and the big city overwhelms me. So, I did not follow others’ suggestions to visit any touristy place and confined my physical and tour

Days of love, romance!

Time for a test of love? Not to put anyone under any kind of pressure, but I heard today, the 11 th of February, is Promise Day. Let me walk you through it if you haven’t paid much attention to the matters of the heart lately. Most of us by now know that 14 th February is celebrated as Valentine’s Day, the day designated for love and romance. You may love your partner or spouse your whole life, but 7 th to 14 th of February, the whole week or rather a week plus one day, are reserved for expressing it to them , loud and clear and mostly , to the rest of the world too. So, whatever you had planned to do in this shortest month on the calendar, leave it and jump into the arena. There is a date sheet for observing 7 th to the 14 th.  Each day has a name - Rose Day, Propose Day, Chocolate Day, Teddy Day, Promise Day, Hug Day, Kiss Day, and of course, Valentine’s Day respectively, which have attracted so much attention in the recent few years. The understanding is that these a

Chai, anyone?

Any time is chai time! Are you too a teatotaler? You read it right. One of the questions nobody should ask me is how I take my tea. Seriously, helluva lot seriously, I would say! Not only that, if you like my kind of tea, we are friends forever. Maybe most of us Indians feel the same about this beverage which cheers but does not inebriate. Tea is one’s go-to drink when they are happy, sad, pleased, annoyed, with friends and family or alone, feeling sick or absolutely fine, doing something or not, working or jobless, during a break from the never-ending chores or free, travelling in a train or in a bus, in winter, rains or autumn. You can have a cup of tea even during the hot summer evenings because loha hee lohe ko kaatata hai (roughly translated: you use iron to cut/sharpen iron). Would a coffee drinker understand that? No. No wonder, coffee is not my cup of tea. You may rattle off the names of 50 types of tea you know, but the first thing you look forward to when you wake up in