Upside of global warming

Upside of global warming Top photos: Reuters Bottom photos: Khaleej Times Last week nature threw up a mind-boggling shock. There were heavy rains in the United Arab Emirates, which their MET department said were the heaviest in the last 75 years. News reports said this caused floods in Dubai, Sharjah and some other areas of the Emirate of Ras al Khaimah. Sadly, five persons also died in incidents related to floods. The heavy rain and floods also brought with them the resultant problems, disruption in normal life, people stuck inside flooded buildings, sewage contaminated water, disturbance in road and air transport, cancelled flights and stranding of passengers etc., a scenario, we, in most parts of India, are very well familiar with. Although most experts (and non-experts) blamed cloud seeding by the authorities for this, Richard Washington, Professor, Climate Science, University of Oxford, has other views. Parts of the Arabian Peninsula received 18 months of rai...