Gen- Youtube


Youtube - everyone’s tube!


Premiered on 29 Feb 2020

I have always worn my badge of tech-illiteracy with confidence, as if it is something to be proud of. So it was no wonder that one day nearly ten years ago I found myself telling someone about an old song and that I could not find it. My last resort, as usual, was my teenage son and I mentioned it to him. He clearly did not share my taste in music and naturally made a face but within a few minutes I heard him playing the song on my Ipad which he then brought to me. Now I was certain where to look for help whenever I faced a similar problem. No need to tell you that I continued to shamelessly exploit that for quite some time.

But as was expected, one day in response to my - please find such and such activity for me, he started his sentence with an exasperated ‘Oh mummy aap bhi na! ruko’ (Oh mom you! Wait!) and I knew I had crossed the threshold of his tolerance. Soon thereafter, he brought back the Ipad with a new icon showing on the screen and I got introduced to Youtube.

From then on the icon has been registering the maximum screen time spent on my phone as well as on the PC. Though everyone advises that one should say good night to all electronic devices at least an hour before going to bed every night, for me it has to be my daily dose of some happily ever after on Youtube which works better than a sleep aid medication would for an insomniac, and without any after-effects too the next morning. And trust me, every buffering video gives me a panic attack- what if it doesn’t come again or ‘video not available in your country’ comes on the screen.

It is not just that. Since I became familiar with Youtube, I have watched from films (especially short ones), ads, chats and comedy shows, moments from football and tennis matches, life in remote Russian villages, cute baby and dog videos to procedures and tutorials on cookery, needlecraft, language or IQ tests, almost anything to say the least. The person in front of the camera makes every DIY project seem so simple, whether it is making cheese, or explaining how to prevent receding gums or to change the piston in the motorcycle. And the number of views that most of these videos get, show it looks like I am not a rare member of the inquiring species.

Of course, I do not even stress myself about people making money with those videos as long as I do not have to pay for watching all that uncertified content. At times I watch videos out of sheer curiosity and with a clear aim of not ever trying them out.

Earlier people working in any government or private establishment, be it an office, essential or public service department or a business entity, would step out for a cup of tea or a smoke with some bit of gossip,  and stay out for more time than what was generally allowed to them. Now most of them are constantly positioned at their station, eyes glued to moving images on a screen and tiny pods stuck in ears. Why a security guard was so busy watching a risqué Bhojpuri film and giggling that he did not even notice when an alert stray dog (although he can be counted as a permanent resident because he has been living in the complex since before most people moved here) came and took away his half-finished roti.

According to

their values are based on the four freedoms of expression, information, opportunity and to belong. They say, “We believe that everyone deserves to have a voice, and that the world is a better place when we listen, share and build community through our stories.”

Yet this does not seem enough to me. Haven’t they forgotten to add freedom of entertainment or even the feel-good factor?

I am not doing anything worth filming so do not have any videos to post. I limit my freedom of expression to my blog posts.

The freedom of opportunity bit confuses me. If it also means the freedom to accumulate knowledge, then it is fine with me.

The most important for me is the freedom to information. I do have my favourite channels where I sometimes check out a recipe, a stitch, a pattern or a way out of a problem. And believe me, it has taken me a long time to try out, test and then finally trust these. There are very few which pass as reliable sources of information especially in respect of how-to do anything under the sun.

I have knitted and unraveled several times, pierced holes into fabric and turned my thread into knots following steps from some of these know-all sources. Why, it was just last week that I ended up cleaning the kitchen for a whole hour! The video magically did not show oil spluttering when the smart alec was deep-frying kala chana (Black chickpea) and he did not even mention it. I know you are muttering that it was idiotic of me to have given time off to my common sense and not covered the kadahi (wok). The chana spluttered hot oil, throwing spoonfuls on the shelf and the floor and two blobs on my hand as I skipped left and right to avoid that and finally turn the gas off to stop the dance of the chickpeas.

Or the time following a video I tried to fill ink in the printer. Except the receptacle it went everywhere, on the printer, around it, my nails, not to mention the rags I was using to clean the spill with. I have felt like a guinea pig when friends have tried out recipes from random Youtube channels. A friend’s cook proudly follows recipes from videos and every time the dish looks and tastes different. I have seen people using Youtube videos for their puja ceremonies.

The videos are a boon because there is no reading or study involved and information and entertainment are just a few typed letters away. The ‘home’ option and recommendations are as huge a temptation as a platter of fried chicken and salad with a tall ice cream sundae would be to my greedy self. With the scores of options it throws up at you on any topic or activity, Youtube does not let you miss on what else you can watch on the subject or in that field and the recently uploaded options.

Youtube founders themselves must not have even dreamt of this scenario and Google must be smirking. I wonder if they pay some regular fees to Smartphone companies who have made their ride to the bank more comfy.

Such is the impact that a common reply to the query about the source of any information is saw it on youtube generally thrown back like a challenge. And nobody feels odd because after all some expert was actually seen doing it in a video.

And now there is a flood of videos on Covid-19 on this platform. Fortunately, I have enough sense not to try and test information available on this particular subject.

There are hundreds of channels on topics- you name it, it is there. For very life hack video there are two more which test for efficacy and truth. Even after several trials I am not sure if there is one channel and ‘the’ video whose proportions and process would work like a sure-shot for me during baking.

The only thing I get worried about is why some of the videos/channels which are more authentic based on the experts showing the whole process with finer points, get so few views but the others including copy-cats/poorly presented/ with steps missing/ wrong information, have not only views but thousands of ‘likes’ too. 

Just for information PewDiePie (Felix Kjellberg), the Swedish Youtuber, has over 110 million subscribers. Starting off with his gaming videos and reviews, he now does social commentary and memes. As of May 2021, his channel has received over 27.3 billion views, says Wikipedia. (And I am not even mentioning  his income).


In our own very own Bharatvarsh (Indian) T-series
 became the first channel on 29 May 2019 to hit 100 million subscribers. On average, T-Series earns approximately one million subscribers every ten days, also says WikipediaAnd money must still be pouring into their purses.

For somebody who gets into a tizzy thinking what to cook for dinner even though the options are strictly limited to my pantry and the fridge, you can imagine how confused I must be by the variety and volume of information to wallow in. No wonder I sometimes long for a book where I am sure of the source and credentials of the person spewing all that information at me.

I am very sure I have missed out dozens of other factors that you would have liked to talk about. Please feel free to add with your advice and suggestions because now I plan not only to watch some full length films, but also try and learn, yes, free of cost - wine-making, meditation, Ayurvedic remedies, how to repurpose waste fabric and maybe some new hairstyles.

Should I add if you like this, please like, share and subscribe!

                                                                                         - Anupama S Mani


  1. Never tried deep frying kala chana!

  2. While browsing through youtube once I came across a video which wanted to teach the viewer how to spread a bedsheet on a bed. This was truly wierd. But there are times YouTube is actually helpful I have to admit. And the flood of entertainment is their of course:)

  3. My daughter saw many celebrities drinking hot chocolate in their videos which I think they were not actually.She ordered hot chocolate powder of the same brand.To my dismay it was not very tasty.Those packets are still occupying the space in her almirah.

  4. You tube and google baba have indeed become part of our daily life.
    I too have learnt so many things from you tube videos.
    Kudos to you for selecting interesting and new topics each week.

  5. You tube itself provides a platform for number of things.
    It has everything related to entertainment, music, cookery and all kinds of stuff. It has really helped people in Covid time. Nice topic beautifully written.��

  6. Yes Ma'am, liked, shared and subscribed!
    To eat right- YouTube, drink right-YouTube, and commenting now with YouTube in front of me......oh Goodness Gracious Me....

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