
Showing posts from December, 2021

72 hours in Manhattan

  72 hours in Manhattan View from my hotel window The shrieking phone startled me out of my sleep and I gingerly felt my way to the table in the darkness to silence it. The clutter reminded me of the rustle I had heard during the night. Still somewhat disoriented by jetlag, Mani had ordered a pizza sometime during midnight and finished it. By the time I had found the annoying device (which I generally like during my waking hours) beneath the debris of the package, it had stopped the ruckus. It was the car service centre in Lucknow. They were not lucky to have Ms CP Bajaj as their geography teacher (She was the first crush of most of the boys in my school and would have left Sushmita Sen in Main Hoon Na way behind in beauty and poise) who had told us the formula of night vs day to make it easy to understand that there was nearly a 12-hour difference in East and West of the globe. ****** I recently read that somewhere in Germany an Indian lady was asked to show her Covid -19 vac

Talk to you next week, maybe!

Talk to you this Saturday, fingers crossed!  As you all know I enjoy sharing my observations and views on a variety of topics with all of you. You, my readers are very precious to me. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond my control, I was unable to post anything this Saturday.  I am also sorry for writing the date wrong at the end of  my last post. It should have been the 18th, but even that was not meant to be. I am hoping I would be signing in my presence on Saturday, the 25th from my own chair & desktop.  So please keep those three minutes of your time for me.🙏🏼

Awesome, amazing anyone?

Awesome, amazing, anyone? My thanks to all those readers who have told me of the places where I can buy not only clean rai (small mustard), but other spices too, with special thanks to Soonanda who has promised ready-made pickle, so I do not have to worry about even the rai . Yet shouldn't I be grateful to that five-letter word ‘clean’ which made all of this possible. I have also noticed how these words i.e., adjectives, help define our lives and all actions and emotions in it and advertising survives on them ( Pic above ). We were taught in school that an adjective is a word that describes a person or thing, for example  big ,  red  and  clever  in  a   big  house,  red  wine and  a   clever idea  idea  (Oxford ALD). I see that like almost everything else in the world, adjectives also follow an order in their existence.   English language has thousands of adjectives and we use them freely to give weight to what we want to say. Yet a few adjectives creep into nearly everyone’s v