Awesome, amazing anyone?

Awesome, amazing, anyone?

My thanks to all those readers who have told me of the places where I can buy not only clean rai (small mustard), but other spices too, with special thanks to Soonanda who has promised ready-made pickle, so I do not have to worry about even the rai.

Yet shouldn't I be grateful to that five-letter word ‘clean’ which made all of this possible. I have also noticed how these words i.e., adjectives, help define our lives and all actions and emotions in it and advertising survives on them (Pic above).

We were taught in school that an adjective is a word that describes a person or thing, for example bigred and clever in a big house, red wine and a clever idea idea (Oxford ALD).

I see that like almost everything else in the world, adjectives also follow an order in their existence. 

English language has thousands of adjectives and we use them freely to give weight to what we want to say. Yet a few adjectives creep into nearly everyone’s vocabulary and become fashionable to use for some time. There is an excessive use of such words. To cite an example, a few years ago every conversation was peppered with the words fantastic and fantabulous while these days awesome and amazing enjoy that position.


The only issue is that I am not a teacher of English so do not wish to impose any serious, or (most probably) half-baked knowledge of grammar on all of you. What is the option - naturally depend on friends, and of course, internet. So I shall try to express my gratitude to all adjectives through pictures borrowed from various sources. Please keep in mind that it is not an English lesson, and is in no way the absolute or ultimate in knowledge about adjectives.

But English is a phunny language, so said Mr Bachchan in Namak Halal. 

This was short, and I hope sweet!

I shall be travelling next week, and unable to post anything next Saturday, so please watch this space on the 11th of this month.

                                                                                             - Anupama S Mani


  1. Hilarious! Keep 'em coming,Anupama
    (V.Anand 1962 batch from Bengaluru)

  2. I seriously look forward to your articles. Wonderous is a lesser word!


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