Move over Delta, welcome on board Omicron

Move over Delta, welcome on board Omicron

If Covid could see, it would have seen the cataclysmic effect it has had on this planet and its eyes would have fallen off their sockets (or wherever they were) by now. If it was an autocrat or a dictator, its sense of pride would have bloated, bursting its microscopic body and killing it. But the shameless bot lives on, changing its form every few months to refresh its tale of terror.

It visited the Earth in 2020 and in 2021 it came in the avatar of Delta which bulldozed the life and soul of the planet. It changed our style of working, our relations with people, sense of celebration, what not! Perhaps intoxicated by the effect it had on Homo sapiens, it came yet again a couple of months ago and is still wandering among us. So much has been written and talked about Covid that the virus must have developed media-fatigue.

But too much power can be a dangerous thing and when it came this time, something happened. Scientists say it mutated to survive among humans, doctors say we developed immunity against it, optimists say it lost its bite, students on the other hand said it was a blessing, every time the schools opened, the virus came to get them holidays. 

The fact is this time round it has not been that mortally-dangerous and most of us seem to have adopted oh-it-is-nothing-this-time attitude. It is not surprising to  hear people with a cold or cough blaming it on a little exposure to the cold, drinking chilled beer, change in weather,  a little irritation in the throat while last year they would have rushed to the lab to get their noses and throats swabbed for the virus.

I do not personally know the virus and it is one acquaintance I am not interested in developing, so I still have conflicting opinions.

But one thing is certain that it likes to tease even the fully -vaccinated, masked and cautious people, including some who have already had Covid earlier. So much so that like old times of HIV, now Covid test is a must for travel, before you undertake a project which involves being among people.

Yet I would enjoy looking at and sharing with you the result of the indomitable spirit of humans. They have preserved not only their sense of humour but also optimism which makes life enjoyable, one step beyond worth living. Don’t you agree?

                                                                                                         –Anupama S Mani


  1. Very nicely written, I enjoined it. Thanks Ma'am.

  2. Another Good one 👌👌👍👍

  3. Your power of humourously tackling tiny, rather miniscule, but life threatening virus is praiseworthy!!!

  4. Very humorous, nicely narrated...


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