Mom's day?


Mom's day?

It is Mother’s day tomorrow. Thousands of words have been written in the past few days about how hard they work, how important mothers are, how all of us should celebrate them and their contributions, what special to do on this day and what to buy for them.

While some of us get into the spirit of celebration, expect some kind of acknowledgement in the form of card, chocolates, flowers, gifts et al, others look at it with indifference and hope the family would not make a big issue of it. Some tired ones just wish that their offspring and spouse would leave them alone for one day and let them do as they please.

The market and social media are abuzz with ideas, torpedoing us with rock-sized hints through messages, emails and sale notifications about what to buy to celebrate our birth-giver Devaki or caretaker Yashoda.  

So go ahead, help the economy. Buy her a card, chocolates, her favourite food (or make it), sari/dress, handbag, perfume, jewellery, book, a vacation, anything. My unsolicited advice- do not gift any household appliances unless it is something she has explicitly asked for.

But the most important give her a tight hug to tell her that her kaleje ka tukda (very dear) also loves her as much as she does him/her. If you cannot do so, at least give her a call and tell her you think of her everyday even though the ritual demands that you do it especially tomorrow.

In our family it is a day like any other. There is nothing different for me to do. I do not have any material gift for the mothers, so I have borrowed some one-liners and jokes from several other sources to add a hint of smile on the faces of those women who do not expect any reward for what they did out of pleasure and choice or even due to compulsion for the children who may or may not care for how the mother feels. Maybe some would strike a chord. By the way, dads are also allowed to smirk, for they might be thinking that the contribution of their children’s mom is overrated and only their mom was the best.

My kids asked me what it was like to be a mom.

So, I woke them up at 3 a.m. demanding to know where my lucky sock was.


“Why was the house so neat on Mother’s Day? Because Mom spent all day Saturday cleaning it.”


“When your children are teenagers, it’s important to have a dog so that someone in the house is happy to see you.” — Nora Ephron


I bought my mom a mug that says, “Happy Mother’s Day from the World’s Worst Son”. I forgot to mail it but I think she knows.


Nothing is really lost… until mom can’t find it.


There is a legend that if you take a shower and scream ‘Mom’ three times, a nice lady appears with the towel you forgot.

When your mom’s voice is so loud, even your neighbors brush their teeth and get dressed.


You know you’re a mom when picking up another human to smell their butt isn’t only normal, but necessary.


“Mothers of teens understand why some animals eat their young.”


“I want my children to have all the things I couldn’t afford. Then I want to move in with them.” — Phyllis Diller


Son: “Mom, stop making jokes. You’re not funny.”
Mom: “I made you, didn’t I?”


Sunday School Teacher: “Tell me, do you say prayers before eating?”
Student: “No, ma’am. I don’t have to. My mom’s a good cook.”


“Usually the triumph of my day is, you know, everybody making it to the potty.” — Julia Roberts


The night we took our three young sons to an upscale restaurant for the first time, my husband ordered a bottle of wine. The server brought it over, began the ritual uncorking, and poured a small amount for me to taste.

My six-year-old piped up, "Mom usually drinks a lot more than that.


A couple of hours into a visit with my mother she noticed I hadn’t lit up a cigarette once. "Are you trying to kick the habit?" "No," I replied, "I’ve got a cold and I don’t smoke when I’m not feeling well.” “You know,” she observed, “you’d probably live longer if you were sick more often.”                                                                                   

                                                                                            -Anupama S Mani


  1. Hilarious quotes...I'm still laughing :0

  2. Creative and Meaningful....Liked it

  3. good one! thanks

  4. When all hell was breaking loose in His home, God made Mother. -Rakesh Misra

  5. Nicely composed with sharp quotes. Thanks

  6. I wanna be off duty too 😉

  7. And this work of motherhood started as soon as she had a husband 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  8. 😀😀

  9. Another superb post!

  10. Good one !!

  11. Hilarious as usual. Loved the quotes and jokes.

  12. Superb read. Can't stop laughing.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Niranjan said...

    Very interesting. Your subtle sense of humour is commendable. Liked your witty quotes.

    15 May 2022 at 18:57

  15. An excellent post which refrexedymyold memories.q

  16. Much too good! I'll repeat it again, WONDEROUSLY HILARIOUS! and so true!


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