Say cheese!

Say cheese! I am not asking you to pose for a photo, nor am I selling/promoting cheese in any form. I am not even going to talk about the hundreds of varieties of cheese countries around the world boast of having, but would focus microscopic attention on the easily available variety in India which is called paneer. What has prompted rumination over this topic is a friend’s message earlier this week on paneer (pa pronounced like in potatoes with the two es much like in keen, seed, been) which caught my attention and I realised that I kind of agreed with him. Most of us can make paneer at home. Boil milk- with or without fat (you get crumbly cheese), whether of cow or buffalo or the pasteurised kind you get in a packet/bottle/carton. As it starts to simmer, add a little acid- lemon/lime juice, yogurt, vinegar or even citric acid ( never rennet in India. I don’t even know if it is available). The milk splits into curds and whey, and you turn off the flame. Run some water over it ...