Mirza Ghalib ka janmadin

Mirza Ghalib ka janmadin (Mirza Ghalib’s birthday) The 27 th of December came and went, and I did not read about any ‘cake-cutting’ ceremony to celebrate the birthday of one of the greatest Urdu poets, Mirza Ghalib, who was born in Agra this day in 1797. Yet, every few months, there comes a Whatsapp forward saying -it is Ghalib’s birthday today, so let us pay tributes to him by recalling some of his shers (Urdu couplets), and what follows is a collection of pedestrian level Urdu poetry. It happens a few times during the year. I guess people just forward these messages as and when they receive it. Doubtful about their authenticity, I check with a couple of learned people and every time, without fail, I hear a clear- no, Ghalib wouldn’t have written such substandard , run-of-the-mill verse. That tells us something about this Shakespeare of Urdu - if you are not forced to think or to find the interpretation, then it cannot be Ghalib’s writing. After all, when Mirza Asadullah Baig ...