That is not what I meant

That is not what I meant! Communication I understand, is not what we say, write or express, but what the other person understands. Sometimes we say something and the other person understands it as something else, extracting a surprised/ irritated/disgusted/pained, ‘I did not say/mean that,’ response from us. It is not the tone or intonation that I am talking of, nor is it punctuation, but the actual words which are misunderstood. Because it is believed that a picture says a thousand words, I am sharing with you a few examples I have compiled to clarify, so that I do not end up saying I did not mean that . . Most of them are self-explanatory. If any of these or something similar has happened with you, watch your language, I suggest. Food is a sensitive issue for most of us. Let us be clear when we ask a question. Although most of those who enjoy the hard stuff prefer to be self-sufficient... is not a bad idea to be a good human being and once in a wh...