The Maze of Corporate Speak

The Maze of Corporate Speak Continuing with what I wrote about last week- corporate jargon i.e., workplace language consisting of set of words, phrases, or acronyms which the business/corporate professionals use to help in their work. Some of them make perfect sense while in case of others perhaps one could use simpler words, more common in use. Optics - It means how something appears to others. Why not use the simpler expression ‘public perception’ in its place? It would still look the same in the public eye. Ping - You reach for your phone or mouse when you hear the ping sound as soon as the notification of a message lands on the phone/computer. When somebody pings you, they wish to talk to you or contact you, but no worries, you can always choose to answer later. Paradigm shift - This denotes a major change in approach/perspective in respect of a brand/business idea. If you are not a fan of long 8-letter words, you are free to use ‘ a big change’ because after all,...