Gen -Corona humour

Take a moment to smile!

Of course, I am not saying anything new when I say we are passing through strangely difficult times. The good people among us are helping the others by getting Oxygen, medicines, hospital admissions or food for those in quarantine. Some are risking their lives to provide succour to those who need help in these tough times.

What am I doing? Scared to go out and fall sick or spread sickness, I sit at home, trying to cheer everyone up. So, I have brought for you (using beg, borrow, steal formula) examples of what the creative minds are doing.

Most of them are self-explanatory so I resisted the temptation to add any comment.

Students struggling with online classes and home schooling are wondering how long this level of weird life going to be. 

But there is no stopping husband-wife jokes even in this time.

This year too there are no travel plans. 

On Covid protocol

Meanwhile, the ICMR has announced refusal of ownership of the list of 21 hilarious guidelines which I wrote about in the post.


We, the earthlings, stand with the other planets as they wish ours:

                                                                                        - Anupama S Mani


  1. 'The pen is mightier than the sword, yes, but also 'a picture speaks a thousand words'.
    Wonderfully mixed ma'am.
    That Super Hero bowing to the Doctors and
    The Religious Miracles are my favorites: I definitely took a moment to Smile!

  2. Interesting selection of the cartoons related to Covid that we've been seeing for the past year or so. Enjoyed them again.
    The new theme of cartoons is Vaccine these days. Every day I come across something that makes me smile, notwithstanding the grim reality all around us.

  3. Nice one Ma'am really fantasic

  4. Really hilarious .. All are good 👍👍👌😊💐

  5. Anupama, excellent collage of cartoons. Loved the little baby wondering( Shayan) whether he will graduate without leaving the house and that of social distancing.Keep up making us smile, friend.

  6. The wit brings in life amongst otherwise RIP and On Shanti chantings floating all around.

  7. Thanks for sharing something to laugh about in these gloomy days. Hope our earth gets well soon because we have only one of it 😁


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